来源:http://www.nm1h.com/news371757.html 发布时间:2018/4/9 0:00:00
现行的复层建筑涂料国家标准为GB/T 9779-2005,该标准规定了复层建筑涂料的组成、分类、代号及等级、要求、试验方法、检验规则及标志、包装、运输和贮存等要求。该标准适用于以水泥系、硅酸盐系和合成树脂乳液系等胶结料及颜料和骨料为主要原料作为主涂层,用刷涂、辊涂或喷涂等方法,在建筑物外墙面上至少涂布二层的立体或平状复层涂料。作为替代原标准的新版复层建筑涂料国家标准GB/T 9779-2015将于2016年8月1日正式实施。
The current national standard for coating coatings is GB/T 9779-2005, which stipulates the composition, classification, code and grade, requirements, test methods, test rules and signs, packaging, transportation and storage of compound coatings. The standard is suitable for using cement, silicate, synthetic resin emulsion and other cements and pigment and aggregate as main raw materials as main coating, using brush coating, roll coating or spraying and so on to coating at least two layers of stereoscopic or flat coating on the exterior wall of building. As a substitute for the original standard, the new version of the national standard GB/T 9779-2015 will be put into effect in August 1, 2016.
In addition to the editing modification, the main technical changes include the modification of the product classification, the addition of terms and definitions, the addition of the marking, the increase of the construction, the drying time, the alkali resistance, the water resistance and the washability, and the increase of the elongation and flexibility of the elastic compound coating, and the increase of the external insulation system. The water vapor transmission rate of the external wall composite coating is revised; the test base material is modified; the performance index of primer, middle coat and top coat is added as a data appendix.